viernes, 15 de noviembre de 2013

Hola a Todo el Mundo: Vintage talent

ver el texto en castellano

Your appearing on stage is peculiar: You make up yourselves, you paint the stage… Everything looking for a complete incursion from your audience, in order to enjoy completely the concert. From which point do you consider important all these previous steps before a live show?
Every album we publish, when we turn it into a live show, we try to carry it with a different weight. We are not making – up ourselves anymore, but we have lights, lasers and when the budget allows it, the wonderful effects from Hector de la Puente.

Do you remember us to some power folk bands like Port O’ Brien. Do you consider you are near folk? Neo folk? Nothing at all?
We have been moving away from folk gradually on the mainstream sense. In our last album, Ultraviolet Catastrophe, it’s difficult to see any evidence from that kind of music. Influences, style and what we want to do now, has changed considerably. 

You began as a band in 2006. In 2007 you published your first rough cut and everything started working. Now, with two LP’s published, if you look back, will you change or improve something, from experience?  
Essential parts from learning are the mistakes and every decision taken, drives you to a different place. We’ll never know if some decisions where really mistakes at all. To have taken them somehow different could drive us from different roads. Actually, we are happy and excited about the place we are now, so, who knows, it is not an easy answer. Maybe some things that we had to do, in order to maintain alive the band in a financial way, if we set out them, they could make us doubt nowadays.

Ultraviolet Catastrophe, published in 2012 is your second LP. How will you define it?
A step beyond in our way, and to us the opening of the band onto a universe in which we didn’t move before. It has renovated us and it has given us strength to make more songs.

We know that it will not be like this at all but… As a band, you all seem very spiritual guys. What can you do on an average day when you do not have any show or essay? Do you go over there holding the trees? ;) ;)
I think that an unspiritual being, is an incomplete being, with a fault and so, mistaken.
To us, HATEM is an extension of our likes, feelings, interests and illusions, so we can say that what forms HATEM forms us, ourselves. When we finish our levitations and our three-day fast, we use to do what everyone else: eat, love, sleep, destroy the part that corresponds us from the planet, and die little by little. 

Do you use instruments that, as well they are famous know, when you began they were unusual. Instruments like ukuleles, banjos, tambourines… which is HATEM’s platter to have such an American tradition being from Madrid? 
Actually and after Estela Castiza’s EP, we kept apart this folk Americana tradition. We got involved with another kind of instruments with recent traditions such as synths. Our influences in a really high percentage come from Anglo-Saxon world, and so the elements we use to make music also come from there.

At whom would you throw a Hello Kitty knickers or undepants and why?
To anyone who is working in music in this country. It is a heroic act. In the future, statues will be raised in squares with their figures, streets and big avenues will be named in their honor and pharaonic monuments will be named UNESCO heritage.

As we have read, before live shows you all meet and do something like a “friendship singing”.  Explain us a little bit what’s all this about. Is it like a charm to face the show?  
In HATEM we all love us and anything worth to get into this communion. We sing, we shout, we hold each other, we laugh and we go out to shine this love stream to the people that comes to see us and give them a little bit of all that. God blesses them. 

Give us three good reasons to not miss a show from Hola a Todo el Mundo.
Because you’ll like it. Because it’s fair and necessary. Because you’ll make us incredible happy and that will add points to your karmic balance.  

We finish the interview with the video from the song “They won´t let me grow”, from your last LP, called Ultraviolet Catastrophe. Tell us, what’s the song about?
It is a song that talks about all this obstacles, jams and undesirable beings that don’t allow you to walk where you’d like and where your heart wants to arrive.

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